Origins and Foundations

Establishment and establishment

 The sport of the Deaf originated in Yemen in 1989 through the participation of them in traditional self-games sponsored by the Sports Department of the Association of Deaf and Mute Care - Sana'a .

  - In 2004, a sports committee was formed from the association, which sought to establish a sports club for the deaf in order to expand and spread the sport base among the deaf.

 - In 2005, the Committee joined the Arab Committee for Deaf Sports - established in 2005 in Sharjah, UAE.

 - In 2006, as a result of the follow-up of the Deaf Sports Committee to the concerned authorities in the Ministry of Youth and Sports since 2004 to establish the club and after great efforts and with the cooperation of the association and the integration of the committee of the Union of the Disabled, the decision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to establish the Yemeni Club for Deaf Sports in the capital Sana'a. And sports centers in various Yemeni governorates such as the Capital Club Sana'a, and despite the lack of interaction and lack of community awareness in encouraging the Deaf to engage in sports activities and the disproportion of the Disabled Sports Union with the Deaf segment in particular in the promotion of tournaments and external participations Deaf had to the committee and the club to focus on the establishment of a sports federation for the Deaf is the tongue of their state to achieve sporting ambitions. The idea began to follow up the concerned bodies in the Ministry of Youth and Sports to establish a sports union for the deaf in early 2009. 

- In 2009, Yemen participated in the first Arab table tennis tournament in Kuwait. Yemen won the first place in the Arab world in the tournament as the first participation abroad. Yemen was granted the membership of the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD)  and the Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation (APDSC)

- On 23/1/2011, the Ministry of Youth and Sports issued a decree No. (6) establishing the Yemen Deaf Sports Federation and has a legal personality independent of the General Federation of Disabled Sports in accordance with the International Act of Deaf Sports .